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Recycle BC Adds Additional BC-based End Market for Glass

Recycle BC is adding a new BC-based end market for glass collected as part of our program. Progressive Planet, which creates CleanTech innovations from its C-Quester™ Centre of Sustainable Innovation will receive post-consumer glass from our program for the manufacture of a new ingredient to dramatically reduce CO2 emissions from cement.

The recycled glass will be used to make PozGlass 100G (“PozGlass”) at Progressive Planet’s PozGlass Pilot Plant, which will begin construction in 2023. PozGlass is a replacement for Portland cement and fly ash from coal plants, which are now used in concrete and release large amounts of CO2 in the manufacturing process.

The cement industry currently emits more than 8 percent of global CO2. When PozGlass is used at a cement plant, it is expected to dramatically reduce emissions by sequestering CO2 and being mixed with Portland cement at up to a 50% ratio.

“This initiative aligns with our organization’s vision to inspire and accelerate innovation in recycling technology,” says Sam Baker, Western Canada Director – Post Collection and Material Regeneration at Recycle BC.

Added Ian Grant, the COO of Progressive Planet: “Our objective is to help the cement industry reduce its carbon footprint. We have developed PozGlass, here in British Columbia, to reduce the use of carbon-emitting ingredients of cement and sequester CO2 stack emissions created in the cement manufacturing process.”

“In support of this project, Recycle BC is happy to approve Progressive Planet’s Pilot Plant facility as an end market for our program’s glass, assuming they meet and continue to adhere to Recycle BC’s standards for end markets,” said Baker.

By manufacturing PozGlass at its Kamloops pilot plant, Progressive Planet will also be able to reduce the current carbon footprint of its operations, which create widely sold CleanTech products for agriculture, soil regeneration and animal care.

“Progressive Planet operates one of the largest, natural gas-fired, industrial mineral dryers in Canada,” added Grant. “By receiving this steady and reliable supply of recycled glass from Recycle BC, to make PozGlass at our Kamloops headquarters, Progressive Planet will also now be able to sequester CO2 it currently emits, meaning we will contribute to British Columbia’s and Canada’s GHG reduction targets and improve the carbon footprint of our home, Kamloops, B.C.”

PozGlass sequesters CO2 when the recycled wastewater used in treating post-consumer glass is injected with stack emissions. The CO2 is captured in a sodium carbonate compound, meaning it is never released into the atmosphere.

The PozGlass pilot plant is expected to begin construction in 2023 and be operational in 2024, and Progressive Planet will start to receive post-consumer glass from our program later this year.