Inclement Weather Service Update: Service has been impacted in certain Recycle BC direct service areas. Visit your direct service area here and enter your address into the address search function to see if your area has been impacted. Alternatively, you can download the Recycle BC App. Visit the Inclement Weather Service Update page for more details, and to find information on what to do to stay prepared. 

Recycle BC is a not-for-profit organization responsible for residential packaging and paper product recycling throughout British Columbia, servicing over two million households or over 99% of BC through curbside, multi-family and/or depot services.

We ensure packaging and paper product is collected from households and recycling depots, sorted and responsibly managed and recycled. Recycle BC provides recycling services either directly to communities or by working in partnership with local governments, First Nations, private companies, and other not-for-profit organizations. 196 communities participate in our recycling collection program and more are serviced by our recycling depots. Each year, over 200,000 tonnes of material was collected from households and depots.

Our program is funded by businesses, like retailers, manufacturers and restaurants that supply packaging and paper products to BC residents, shifting costs away from homeowners.

Who We Are

Together, we can make a difference