Inclement Weather Service Update: Service has been impacted in certain Recycle BC direct service areas. Visit your direct service area here and enter your address into the address search function to see if your area has been impacted. Alternatively, you can download the Recycle BC App. Visit the Inclement Weather Service Update page for more details, and to find information on what to do to stay prepared. 

Introduction and Intent

Recycle BC is committed to being a trusted community partner and believes in providing opportunities for respectful and accessible communication about our program to all our stakeholders. Stakeholder feedback is of great value to our organization. We believe stakeholders have the right to be heard, understood, and respected. At the same time, we are dedicated to ensuring a safe environment for our team members to complete their duties without fear of bullying or harassment of any kind. We recognize that on occasion stakeholders may express frustration and/or heightened emotions due to an experience or interaction with our organization or contractors. We do not consider such expressions inherently inappropriate. However, if communication escalates to an unacceptable level as per this policy, our team will take the steps outlined below to ensure a safe and respectful workplace.

Recycle BC team members are committed to resolving issues, communicating expectations when necessary, and providing opportunities for more productive communication. All our team members share the responsibility of ensuring that our workplace is a safe and welcoming environment, and we expect stakeholders to always treat our team with respect.

The intent of this policy is to:

  1. Define unacceptable communication and how it will be managed; and
  2. Ensure team members can complete their duties in a safe environment, without bullying or harassment of any kind.

Guiding Principals

Fairness, Consistency, Respect, Team Safety, Service Efficiency.


Unreasonable Demands and/or Persistence

Recycle BC is committed to providing information and assistance to all stakeholders. If a stakeholder is unsatisfied with a course of action, we recognize that it’s reasonable to communicate with urgency to engage in discussion. After the stakeholder’s point of view has been heard and acknowledged and a decision has been confirmed and communicated, repeated attempts to reopen the discussion and/or demand an alternative course of action is not appropriate unless additional information is respectfully presented that may warrant a different decision or outcome. Examples of unreasonable demands and/or persistence include:

  • Demanding to speak to a particular staff member who is either not available or not the appropriate person;
  • Demanding responses within an unreasonable time frame;
  • Demanding responses to requests with malicious content;
  • Demanding an outcome that is outside the scope of Recycle BC’s mandate; or
  • Excessive contact resulting in disruption of Recycle BC resources

Offensive, Threatening, or Abusive Behaviour

Recycle BC recognizes and accepts that some expressions of dissatisfaction may result in heightened emotions/frustration; however, behaviour that is offensive, threatening, or abusive will not be tolerated. Examples of such behaviour include:

  • Offensive language: remarks of a sexual nature, racist language, homophobic or other discriminatory or derogatory remarks.
  • Verbal or physical threats to team members or property; or
  • Bullying or intimidating behaviour.


If a Recycle BC team member determines that a communication (i.e., telephone call or digital correspondence) is offensive, threatening, or abusive, or if it involves unreasonable demands and/or persistence, the team member will take the steps outlined below.

  1. Inform the individual that their current language is becoming unacceptable and politely request that they adjust their behaviour to allow for a more productive conversation.
  2. If the unacceptable behaviour continues, inform the individual that the call or digital correspondence may be terminated should the unacceptable behaviour persist.
  3. If the unacceptable behaviour persists, discontinue communication and document the individual’s contact information and conversation details.
  4. In cases where the individual changes their language or behaviour to be acceptable, and would like to continue the conversation, the individual will continue to be assisted.
  5. In cases where an initial inbound correspondence from a stakeholder is offensive, threatening, or abusive, or if it involves unreasonable demands and/or persistence, the staff member will not respond or engage.

On rare occasions, with extreme inappropriate behaviour or language, it may be necessary for team members to terminate a telephone call without warning.

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

Recycle BC is committed to ensuring that no stakeholder will receive less favourable treatment on the grounds of race, colour, ancestry, ethnic origin, place of origin, citizenship, creed, political belief, religion, marital status, family status, physical or mental ability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age.