Inclement Weather Service Update: Service has been impacted in certain Recycle BC direct service areas. Visit your direct service area here and enter your address into the address search function to see if your area has been impacted. Alternatively, you can download the Recycle BC App. Visit the Inclement Weather Service Update page for more details, and to find information on what to do to stay prepared. 


As part of Recycle BC’s ongoing commitment to continuous improvement, we regularly consult with stakeholders to receive input in the implementation and operation of various aspects of our program. Linked below is information on our consultations.

Table of Contents

Program Plan 2022

Recycle BC is pleased to provide its draft new Packaging and Paper Product Extended Producer Responsibility Plan (“Program Plan”) for stakeholder feedback. The Program Plan, which is renewed every 5 years with the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy (MOECCS), outlines Recycle BC’s objectives, commitments and performance targets for the next 5-year period, and acts as Recycle BC’s operational roadmap to discharging its producer members’ obligations under the Recycling Regulation.

Between October and December 2022, Recycle BC conducted a detailed public consultation process, including a number of consultation sessions, on this draft Program Plan, according to the following schedule.

  • Recycle BC Collectors’ Conference (in person) – October 6 and 7
  • Recycle BC Advisory Committee (in person) – October 6
  • Recycle BC Stewards (Producer Members) – November 1, 9:00 am to 11:00 am Pacific Time | View Presentation
  • Recycle BC Collectors and BC Municipalities – November 1, 2:00 to 4:00 pm Pacific Time | View Presentation
  • BC Product Stewardship Council (BCPSC) Members – November 3, 2:30 to 4:30 pm Pacific Time | View Presentation
  • BC First Nations – November 15, 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm Pacific Time | View Presentation
  • Environmental Groups and BC Public – November 16, 9:00 am to 11:00 am Pacific Time | View Presentation
  • BC Bottle and Recycling Depot Association (BCBRDA) Members – November 17, 9:00 am to 11:00 am Pacific Time | View Presentation
  • Steward Associations – November 22, 11:30 am to 1:30 pm Pacific Time | View Presentation

Written feedback and comments will be accepted by Recycle BC until December 31, 2022 and can be submitted to

Program Plan 2018

Approved Program Plan (June 2019)

In June 2019, The Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy approved the revised Recycle BC Program Plan. Thank you to all who participated in the various stages of our consultation process. The final Recycle BC Program Plan can be found at

Revised Program Plan (September – October 2018)

 Over 150 organizations and communities participated in consultation meetings and Recycle BC received 29 written submissions as part of Phase Two consultations. Recycle BC gave careful consideration to all input received that resulted in the revised Recycle BC Program Plan.

As a result of stakeholder feedback, Recycle BC made three important revisions to the Plan as follows:

  • In light of the steward community’s concerns about the broadened scope of designated materials, the proposed expansion of designated materials to include packaging-like products and single-use plastic items has been removed.
  • To address local governments’ concerns regarding eligibility criteria for receiving recycling services the Program Plan now states:
    • Communities that have had a curbside garbage collection program in place for at least two years prior to the proposed introduction of curbside recycling be eligible to join the Recycle BC program, provided other applicable criteria is met.
    • Recycle BC will develop an equivalency definition for communities with 5,000 residents that does not require incorporation as a criteria for eligibility
    • Recycle BC will conduct a province-wide depot accessibility assessment to determine the adequacy of depot coverage.
  • The next cost study will be overseen by the Recycle BC Advisory Committee. In addition, the study will be conducted in 2020, rather than 2021, as originally planned.

The entire Stakeholder Consultation Report addressing these and more stakeholder feedback is available here.

Phase II Program Plan Consultation (July – August 2018):

Recycle BC consulted on a revised Program Plan, that considered Canada’s 2018 Plastics Charter (tabled at the G7 Summit in Quebec) that sets forth ambitious plastic recovery (i.e. collection) and recycling targets, stakeholder feedback and counsel from the BC Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy, which included:

  • An increased general recovery rate
  • Material-specific targets for plastics, metal, glass, and paper
  • A broadened scope of obligated material to include packaging-like products and single-use plastic products such as drinking straws, plastic cutlery, etc.

Stewards – July 17, 2018:

Click here to view the Steward consultation meeting presentation
Click here for the Q&As from the July 17 meeting

Collectors – July 18, 2018:

Click here to view the Collectors and Local Governments consultation meeting presentation
Click here for the Q&As from the July 18 meeting

Stakeholders – July 19, 2018:

Click here to view the Stakeholders consultation meeting presentation
Click here for the Q&As from the July 19 meeting

Thank you to those who provided feedback by the September 6, 2018 deadline.

Phase I Program Plan Consultation (March – June 2018):

Recycle BC consulted on its revised draft program plan Packaging and Paper Product Extended Producer Responsibility Plan to stakeholders for consideration and feedback. Feedback will be used to further update the plan and conduct Phase II of consultations. The initial revised Plan contains enhancements designed to support Recycle BC’s ongoing and future success and reflect discussions and comments from its two-day consultation with stakeholders in November, 2017. Changes to the revised Plan include:

  • Recent changes to the Recycling Regulation such as the clarification of non-resident franchisors as obligated stewards and extension of obligated materials from printed paper to paper products are now reflected;
  • New eligibility criteria for communities with curbside programs wishing to join Recycle BC;
  • New eligibility criteria for communities wishing to introduce curbside programs and join Recycle BC;
  • Clear eligibility criteria and timelines for communities with curbside programs that wish Recycle BC to directly operate their programs; and
  • Proposed material-specific recovery rates for paper, plastic, glass and metal.

A webinar took place on Tuesday, April 17, 2018 to review the key components of the draft revised Plan and ask questions.

Thank you to those who provided feedback by the May 14, 2018 deadline.

Initial Program Plan Consultation (November 2017)

The initial Recycle BC Consultation was held on November 15 and 16, 2017 at the Anvil Centre in New Westminster. Following the consultation, there was a 30-day feedback period. The feedback received informed Recycle BC’s revised Program Plan and collector agreements. View the Consultation Report.

Collection Cost Studies

Collection Cost Studies, undertaken by an independent third-party professional service firm, are conducted to understand collection costs and compare them to those from previous cost studies.

Collection, promotion and education (P&E), and service administration costs are studied for curbside, multi-family and depot collection.

2024 Collection Cost Study (based on 2023 data)

2020 Collection Cost Study (based on 2019 data)

2018 Collection Cost Study (based on 2017 data)

2013 Collection Cost Study (based on 2012 data)

Financial Incentive and Payment Methodology

Financial Incentives Review (July 2020)

Financial Incentives and Payment Methodology (June 2018)

Collector Agreements

2024 Collector Agreements and Financial Incentives Review

2018 Collector Agreements Review

2018 Curbside and Multi-Family Agreement Review

Streetscape Recycling

Program Design and Financial Incentive (July 2020)

Streetscape Recycling Roundtable Report (2019)