Teacher Resources Now Available!

We’re excited to share a curriculum-based teaching resource we have developed focused on educating primary students (grade K-3) and intermediate students (grades 4-7). Topics covered in the lessons include understanding personal values, learning about waste diversion, examining the environmental benefits of recycling, understanding the concept of a circular economy, and more topics that take students through the recycling process from their homes to the end of life for materials. There are a number of activities for each subject so teachers can focus on the content that works best for them and their class. 

One of our core values is supporting knowledge and information sharing, continuous learning and improvement. This includes strengthening the understanding of waste diversion and recycling, how Recycle BC’s packaging and paper program works, and why and how to recycle. 

You can find our new curriculum-based resource and a favourite of ours, the Recycle BC colouring book, at RecycleBC.ca/Teacher-Resources. 

cover page of curriculum based teach resource