BC Recycling Regulation Amendment

January 26, 2021Guidance for Reporting Single-Use and Packaging-Like Products in 2022

January 12, 2021Reporting Guidance for Solvent and Flammable Liquids and Pesticide Containers under Schedule 2

November 30, 2020Reporting guidance for milk packaging

September 18, 2020 — The Province of BC recently announced amendments to its Recycling Regulation that will change the materials to be included in the Recycle BC program. The amendments include:

  • The removal of packaging for milk and milk substitutes from the Recycle BC program and the transfer of these products to Schedule 1 (deposit) effective February 2022.
  • The inclusion of single-use and packaging-like materials under Schedule 5 beginning in 2023.

The amendments stem from the province’s Plastics Action Plan consultation last fall, which saw more than 35,000 responses. Following the consultation, Recycle BC successfully worked with the provincial government to advocate for appropriate lead times for implementing the changes for these materials.

Recycle BC will not begin collecting single-use and packaging-like materials until 2023.  Stewards will have to start tracking these items in 2021 and report quantities in their 2022 reports so that fees can be set for these materials in 2023. We will provide guidance on the timing for reporting of milk containers to stewards. More details on single-use and packaging-like materials will be provided to both collectors and stewards as we proceed with the implementation of these changes.

More information on the announcement is available on the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change Strategy website via the links below.