Recycling Collection
We collect your packaging and paper from homes and recycling depots in partnership with local governments, First Nations, or private companies.
Over 195 communities participate in our recycling collection program and more are serviced by our recycling depots and drop-off locations. Each year approximately 200,000 tonnes of material is collected from households and depots.

of BC households have access to recycling services
households serviced (includes curbside, multi-family, and depot collection)
communities benefiting/participating in program (includes curbside and multi-family)
people served (includes curbside, multi-family, and depot collection)
Our program has a consistent material list province-wide, so no matter where you live, what you can recycle is the same materials if your community or building is part of our program. How you set out your materials for collection might be different than other communities (i.e. type of container used, or whether glass is returned to a depot or collected in a separate box from your home), but the materials themselves are the same.
Not sure what goes where? Check our Material List or search a material below.