Service Update: Service has been impacted in select Recycle BC areas. Visit your community or download the Recycle BC App  to stay prepared.


Depot collectors have been approaching MMBC to determine whether their particular depot circumstances meet MMBC’s requirements for a staffed depot that is fenced and locked when closed.  To assist depot operators in determining whether their depots meet these requirements or whether modifications are required, we offer the following advice.

What is a depot considered staffed?

A depot is considered staffed when:

  • Staff check the containers into which residents place PPP regularly throughout the period of time the depot is open to residents;
  • As staff are checking the containers into which residents place PPP, staff remove items that are not PPP;
  • Staff regularly remove items which residents did not properly place in the appropriate containers or locations; and
  • Staff communicate with residents about contamination problems or improperly sorted PPP, directly in one-to-one conversations, through signage and/or through brochures or other hand-outs.

When is a depot considered fenced and locked?

MMBC’s objective is to ensure that:

  • Residents and businesses are not able to deliver PPP when the depot is not open and subject to staff supervision;
  • The PPP stored at the depot awaiting pick up by MMBC’s post-collection service provider is secure; and
  • Access is restricted to prevent tampering and vandalism.

A depot is considered to be secure when at least one of the following two conditions is met:

  1. All containers are secure:
    • Residents and businesses cannot gain physical access to the containers into which PPP are placed after the depot’s normal hours of operation.
  2. Entire site is secure:
    • The customary pedestrian and vehicular access route is effectively blocked to passage with a mechanical system that is controlled by the depot operator; and
    • The perimeter of the depot, other than the customary pedestrian and vehicular access route, is effectively blocked to pedestrian or vehicular passage with fencing or a similarly effective mechanism.