To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and for the safety of our communities, which includes collection and sorting staff, please ensure medical waste and products like used tissues, disinfecting wipes, face masks and rubber gloves are not included in your recycling bins.
Examples of these items are shown here:

Recycling sorting staff manually remove items that should not be included in recycling bins (contamination) from the recycling sorting line. In order to ensure recycling sorting staff don’t have to handle these materials directly, please only include accepted items in your paper and container recycling.
To dispose of medical materials and the items listed above, some communities request residents to place medical material in secured bags and include in garbage carts. Please check with your garbage collection provider or local government for proper disposal methods for these types of materials.
Also, please maintain a minimum social distance of two metres when interacting with waste collectors and wait for the truck to depart before removing your bins from the curb.
Please help keep our collection crews, sorting staff, residents and communities safe.
For more updates, including service changes, relating to COVID-19, please visit