Service Update: Service has been impacted in select Recycle BC areas. Visit your community or download the Recycle BC App  to stay prepared.

What to do with holiday wrapping and recycling

You might find yourself with extra recycling after gifts have been exchanged and eggnog has been consumed (remember to add the empty container to your recycling!). Below are three tips for recycling over the holidays.

  1. Check your recycling collection schedule to see if it changes because of the holiday. If your recycling is collected directly by MMBC, use our address search to find your collection schedule. Otherwise, check with your local government or the company providing your recycling collection for collection information.
  2. Paper gift wrap is accepted, but ribbons, bows, and foil gift wrap are incompatible with the recycling process, so please do not include these with your recycling.
  3. There is no limit to how much recycling you set out on collection day. Please check with your collector about how to set out more recycling than usual. Most MMBC depots will accept all of the materials collected from curbside and multi-family buildings, so if you have extra recycling, or are going to an MMBC depot to drop off plastic bags, non-deposit glass containers, or packaging foam (perhaps from your new electronics), you can take your extra recycling, too.