Inclement Weather Service Update: Service has been impacted in certain Recycle BC direct service areas. Visit your direct service area here and enter your address into the address search function to see if your area has been impacted. Alternatively, you can download the Recycle BC App. Visit the Inclement Weather Service Update page for more details, and to find information on what to do to stay prepared. 

How to Participate in Multi-Material British Columbia’s Collection Financial Incentives Meeting and Webcast on Friday, June 7, 2013

How to Participate in Multi-Material British Columbia’s Collection Financial Incentives Meeting and Webcast on Friday, June 7, 2013

We welcome your participation in the Multi-Material British Columbia (MMBC) Collection Financial Incentives meeting and simultaneous webcast on Friday, June 7, 2013.


This notice provides the information you need to participate in person or by webcast.

  • 9:30 a.m. PT start
  • 10:45 a.m. PT (approx.) break
  • 11:00 a.m. PT (approx.) resume
  • 12:30 p.m. PT session ends

  • Welcome
  • Context for this Workshop
  • Summary of Collection Cost Research
  • Residential Collection Services
  • Collection Incentives
  • Questions
  • Break
  • Collector Contracts
  • Process to Offer Collection Incentives
  • If Local Government Declines Curbside Collection Incentive
  • Next Steps
  • Questions

Information Documents

Please take time to review the documents related to the collection financial incentives that will be discussed during the meeting. Below are links to documents that set out the collection financial incentives and related information. The documents are also available at the ‘information documents’ section of the webcast viewer and on the “Service Providers” page of the MMBC website.

Documents include:

In Person Location for Friday, June 7

The Theatre, Robson Square, 800 Robson Street (between Hornby and Howe), Vancouver, BC.

Details to Participate by Webcast on Friday, June 7

Use the Webcast URL below to enter the webcast. You will be asked to register with the webcast host to enter the system for the first time by providing your name, affiliation, phone number and email. If you leave and return, you can re-enter with only your email.

You will need a computer with speakers and an internet connection (high speed is preferred but dial up can also work). You will watch the slides on your computer screen and hear the commentary through your computer’s speakers. Headphones or external speakers will enhance the sound if you use a laptop.  You will not need a telephone to listen to the presentation.

You may use the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer (for PC Users)
  • Safari or Google Chrome (for MAC users)
  • Firefox is NOT recommended

If you have not done so already, please test your computer system for compatibility with the webcast system: SYSTEM CHECK

Webcast URL:

NOTE: Links to the archived webcast and slides will be posted to the MMBC website during the week of June 10.

Register to Launch the Slides

Although you have registered already to attend by webcast, when you click on the webcast URL you will be asked to register again to gain access to view the event.  Once registered, you will be able to click on the ‘event details’ page with information about how to join the webcast. At 9:15 a.m. PT, you will be able to click on a ‘launch presentation’ signal on the ‘event details’ page to launch the webcast. The slides will not move until the presentation begins at 9:30 a.m. PT. Throughout the presentation, the speaker controls the slides.

Technical Questions

If you work on a server, you may need to enlist support from your IT personnel for any IT issues. If you experience any technical problems that you cannot resolve, please email the webcast host for assistance:

Questions about Presentation

You can submit questions and comments at any time during the webcast using the “Ask a Question” feature just below the slides. Your question or comment will be relayed privately to our webcast team – it will not be seen by any other webcast participants.  The presenters will read and answer your question during the scheduled question segments of the agenda, time permitting.  Any questions that are not answered during the webcast will receive an email response during the week of June 10.

For More Information

For more information, visit:

For questions about the information session, email: