Meet Coach
Coach Rick Cycle is our head coach and constant supporter to help you up your recycling game.

Always Play Clean
Giving materials a quick rinse ensures food and product residue is removed for optimum recycling!

Know Before You Throw
Help us continue to manage over 95% of collected materials by recycling. Recycle containers and paper at home (in most communities). Take flexible plastics and foam to the depot.

The Kitchen Is Just The Start
Explore other rooms in your home for recycling opportunities – the bathroom, office, garage all have lots of packaging and paper destined for great things – you just have to give them the chance!

Go Straight To The Source
Our website or the Recycle BC app have all the sorting info you’ll need to up your packaging and paper recycling game.

Win With Plastic Packaging
We manage 98% of the plastic we collect by recycling, and most right here in BC! But we need your help to collect all the plastic packaging supplied to residents!

Help Your Materials Go The Distance
We love a good system. Create your at-home sorting system to ensure it’s easy to drop your flexible plastics and foam at the depot or London Drugs store on your next outing. Here are some sorting systems we like.

A Sorted Bin Always Wins
There are over 250 drop-off locations around BC for your flexible plastics and foam. Find a depot in your area and make it a stop on your next errand outing.