Membership Agreements – Information and Webinars

Membership Agreements – Information and Webinars

Dear stewards,

As a business that has signed a letter of intent (LOI) to participate in British Columbia’s approved packaging and printed paper program, it is now necessary to formalize this arrangement by executing a membership agreement with MMBC and proceeding to submit your first data report. To help you understand the terms and conditions of the membership agreement and the intent behind the various clauses, Multi-Material British Columbia (MMBC) will be holding two webinars – August 14 and September 5 – to walk stewards through the purpose and contents of the membership agreement, a copy of which can be found here.

As a 100 per cent steward-funded and industry-operated packaging and printed paper program, the first in Canada, the MMBC program has some unique features and requirements that stand apart from those of other packaging and printed paper programs.

Purpose of the Membership Agreement

In advance of the webinars, which you can register for here, we wanted to provide you with a copy of the agreement to read over, and if need be, share with the person authorized to sign agreements on behalf of your company. Click here for a copy of the membership agreement.

MMBC will be procuring supply chain services (collection, transportation and processing of recycling) on behalf of BC businesses. Operating the supply chain requires MMBC to start paying for services up-front, requiring us to enter into an agreement with you to act on your behalf to fulfill your obligation, collect fees from you and use them to fund the system.

This agreement is needed to ensure sufficient cash flow to operate MMBC’s stewardship plan as approved by the BC government. To run a cost efficient reverse supply chain for packaging and printed paper means we need to enter into commercial commitments with service providers. This in turn means we need to ensure we can count on members’ business for the length of those contractual commitments.

Main elements of the membership agreement:

The membership agreement has five main aims:

  • To spell out MMBC’s obligation to perform its duties as your stewardship agent and fulfill your obligations under the BC Recycling Regulation
  • To make clear our joint reporting and disclosure obligations
  • To provide an explanation on how we will compute fees
  • Outline payment terms and conditions
  • To detail the terms and conditions for contract termination

What’s next?

The membership agreement outlines how we will work together to deliver against the program commitments in the approved stewardship program plan.

Stewards will be asked to sign a membership agreement with MMBC before submitting their first report between September 3 and 20.

Helping Stewards Understand the Membership Agreement – Register for Webinar

MMBC is holding two webinars that will provide an in-depth examination of the membership agreement and the reasoning, and need, for it to be put in place.

These webinars will last an hour and a half and are being held on August 14, 2013, 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm PDT or Thursday September 5, 2013, 10:00 am to 11:30 am PDT.

Register for membership agreement webinars.

Membership agreements are an integral part of ensuring we can take the next step in building BC’s recycling infrastructure ahead of the program’s official launch on May 19, 2014.

We hope you are able to attend one of the webinars, and we look forward to working closely with you to build and make Canada’s first 100 per cent EPR program a success.

Thank you,

MMBC team