MMBC Updates: Revisions to Posted Documents, Clarifying Non-PPP and and Process to Opt In/Out of MMBC Program

In mid-June, Multi-Material British Columbia (MMBC) sent letters to BC local governments that were providing curbside collection of packaging and printed paper (PPP) or garbage as of November 2012. The letters describe the financial incentives that MMBC is offering local governments to provide PPP collection services to residents. MMBC also posted information about the collection incentives on its website for other local governments, private companies and not-for-profit organizations that may wish to provide PPP collection services as an MMBC contractor.  Collectors are to complete and submit a Collector Response Form by September 16, 2013.

This notice provides an update on a number of topics of interest to those considering the collection financial incentives:

1) Revisions to Posted Documents

Some of the documents related to the collection financial incentives have been updated and reposted on the MMBC website.  To make it easier for you to identify when a change has been made to a document – typically to correct typos or clarify a point of confusion, MMBC has posted the documents in a table format that includes columns identifying the most recent posting date and, where a revision has been made, a description of the revision.  MMBC suggests that you check this location ( routinely for updated documents.

Of particular interest, the following documents have been revised:

2) What is Non-PPP?

MMBC has set a threshold of 3% of non-PPP in collected PPP.  Non-PPP represents a portion of MRF residue.  In addition to non-PPP sorted from PPP in order to meet recycling market quality specifications, MRF residue also includes PPP that was not captured during processing.  To provide clarity, MMBC has described non-PPP in a recently posted blog.

3) Process for Local Governments to Opt Out of and Back into MMBC Program

MMBC has recently posted a blog describing the steps to follow if a local government decides to decline MMBC’s collection financial incentive, including when a local government can reverse its decision and become an MMBC contractor.