National Indigenous Peoples Day 2023

On National Indigenous Peoples Day, our team takes time to deepen our learning of the cultures and traditions of First Nations, Inuit, and Métis peoples, and remember that they have lived on this land and were the stewards of this land long before our own ancestors.  

Accordingly, we are honoured to collaborate with 59 First Nations who participate formally in our program. Recycle BC continues to work together with First Nation communities on residential packaging and paper recycling opportunities.  

In addition, since 2017, together with eight other stewardship agencies we formed the First Nations Recycling Initiative (FNRI) to work with First Nations communities across BC to collaborate on recycling services to support their community through information, resources and community collection events.  

With our stewardship agency partners, the FNRI help communities collect and recycle tires, appliances, paper and packaging, electronics, beverage containers, batteries, corded and cordless outdoor power equipment, and health products. We look forward to continuing our collaboration with First Nations communities, increasing and our stakeholder partners IZWTAG and ISC to increase access to recycling and the various programs that Recycle BC offers.