The Packaging and Printed Paper (PPP) Stewardship Plan sets out the option for local governments to decline the curbside and multi-family building collection incentive and indicate they wish to continue to provide the collection service without receiving MMBC incentives.

Section 5.2 of the PPP Stewardship Plan states:

  • Under Curbside Collection Service: “Should a local government that currently provides curbside collection of PPP decline the market-clearing price and indicate that it wishes to continue to provide the PPP collection service, MMBC will not implement a competitive procurement process and will not provide curbside collection in the jurisdiction. In this circumstance, MMBC will not be responsible for providing reasonable access to curbside collection of PPP within the jurisdiction.”
  • Under Multi-Family Building Collection Service: “Should a local government that currently provides collection of PPP from multi-family buildings decline the market-clearing price and indicate that it wishes to continue to provide the PPP collection service, MMBC will not be responsible for providing reasonable access to collection of PPP to multi-family buildings serviced by the local government.”

Should a local government wish to exercise this option, the local government should:

  • Complete the Collector Response Form declining the collection incentive; and
  • Forward the Response Form together with a letter executed by a representative of the local government with signing authority stating that the local government wishes to continue to provide the service without receiving the collection incentive.

MMBC’s request for proposals (RFP) for post-collection services will include a list of collectors who have accepted the collection incentive when released in September/October 2013[1].  Local governments declining the incentive and notifying MMBC of their intention to continue to provide the collection service without receiving the collection incentive will not be listed in the post-collection RFP.  Following evaluation of the bid submissions, MMBC will enter into contracts with the successful bidders to receive, process and market the tonnes of PPP collected by MMBC’s collectors.

As stated in Footnote # 33 on page 19 of the PPP Stewardship Plan, where a local government indicates that it wishes to continue to provide the PPP collection service without receiving the collection incentive, the quantity of PPP supplied to the local government’s residents will be deducted from total PPP supplied by stewards (using average kilograms per capita) to ensure that the PPP supplied in the denominator of the recovery rate calculation reflects the areas from which PPP in the numerator is collected by MMBC’s contracted collectors.

Process to Rejoin MMBC’s Program

Should a local government that has chosen to continue to provide PPP collection services without receiving the collection incentive wish to reconsider their decision, the local government may do so prior to the second RFP for post-collection services, to be issued by MMBC following the expiry of the first post-collection service provider contracts.

For clarity, a local government that is not listed as an MMBC collector in the post-collection RFP issued in September/October 2013 would not be able to accept the collection incentives and execute a contract to be an MMBC collector until the next post-collection RFP is issued.  As the post-collection service provider contracts are expected to be 5 to 7 years in length, the next post-collection RFP will be issued in 2018 or 2020 and the effective date of these post-collection contracts will be in 2019 or 2021.

[1] Where a local government declines the curbside collection incentive but does not indicate it wishes to continue to provide the curbside collection service, MMBC will be issuing an RFP to select a contractor to deliver the curbside collection service and will be listed as the collector in the post-collection services RFP.