2020 Annual Steward Meeting
The 2020 Annual Steward Meeting for packaging and paper stewards took place on Wednesday, October 21.
Recycle BC is a not-for-profit organization responsible for residential packaging and paper recycling throughout British Columbia. Recycle BC ensures household materials are collected from households and depots, sorted and responsibly recycled. Our program is funded by over 1,200 businesses that include retailers, manufacturers and restaurants that supply packaging and paper to BC residents, shifting costs away from homeowners.
Not listed? Recycle BC is not directly responsible for your curbside or multi-family recycling service, but your community is likely part of the Recycle BC program. View the full list of participating communities.
The 2020 Annual Steward Meeting for packaging and paper stewards took place on Wednesday, October 21.
Reporting webinars were held on February 25 and 26, 2020 — the first was for new reporters and the second for more experienced reporters. Recordings of the webinars and presentation files are available below. To view a webinar recording, you must register for the event then login. If you had previously registered, you can login in directly using your registration email.
CSSA’s Annual Steward Meeting (ASM) is hosted by CSSA on behalf of the stewardship programs, provides stewards with updates on packaging and paper recycling program performance along with next year’s program budgets and material fee rates. Below are links to the materials from the meeting:
CSSA’s Annual Steward Meeting (ASM) is hosted by CSSA on behalf of the stewardship programs, provides stewards with updates on packaging and paper recycling program performance along with next year’s program budgets and material fee rates.
CSSA’s Annual Steward Meeting (ASM) is held on behalf of partner PPP stewardship programs to keep stewards informed about program performance and next year’s program budgets and fees. The 2017 meeting a keynote address on recycling and the circular economy by the Environmental Commissioner of Ontario.
The annual reporting webinar was held on March 1, 2017. Webinar topics included: Below are the materials from the webinar: Reminder: May 31 is the reporting deadline. Should you have any questions about these resources or need assistance in preparing your steward report, please contact Steward Services at 1-888-980-9549 or stewards@cssalliance.ca.
Thank you to those of you who joined us at the 2016 Annual Steward Meeting! We hope you found the meeting informative and useful. Below are the materials from the meeting. Materials For those of you who attended the meeting either by webinar or in-person, we’d love to hear about your experience! Please complete our anonymous short survey to help us improve future meetings.
Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance (CSSA) and our family of recycling organizations held its third annual national meeting for stewards of packaging and printed paper programs in British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Ontario on October 29, 2015. Materials from meeting:
This reporting webinar addressed common questions that stewards often have around reporting time, and provided helpful tips and guidance that facilitate the submission of your 2015 steward report. This webinar included: Materials from webinar:
We are grateful to live, work, and be in relation with First Nation and other Indigenous people from across many traditional and unceded territories, covering all regions of British Columbia. We value the opportunity to learn and share experiences on this traditional territory. The Indigenous communities were the original stewards of the environment, and they continue to fulfill that role today. We are proud to both collaborate with First Nations as well as commit to that work ourselves.