Inclement Weather Service Update: Service has been impacted in certain Recycle BC direct service areas. Visit your direct service area here and enter your address into the address search function to see if your area has been impacted. Alternatively, you can download the Recycle BC App. Visit the Inclement Weather Service Update page for more details, and to find information on what to do to stay prepared. 

Ready to Report Webinar Materials Available

The annual reporting webinar was held on March 1, 2017. Webinar topics included:

  • What’s new in the Guidebook and sector Tip Sheets
  • Using updated Steward Lists to identify resident and voluntary stewards for each program
  • Material category and sector-specific reporting tips
  • Collecting and submitting data for the WeRecycle Portal

Below are the materials from the webinar:

Reminder: May 31 is the reporting deadline. Should you have any questions about these resources or need assistance in preparing your steward report, please contact Steward Services at 1-888-980-9549 or