Recycle BC Welcomes New Communities To Its Curbside Recycling Program

Four additional communities have joined the Recycle BC program. The City of Merritt, District of Hope, District of Logan Lake, and District of Sechelt are the latest municipalities to join the Recycle BC residential packaging and paper recycling program as collection partners. Under the new partnerships, the curbside collection programs continue to be operated by the communities but the collected materials will be managed by Recycle BC. The communities also now receive a financial incentive from Recycle BC to offset their recycling collection costs.

Residents in these communities may see some changes to the materials accepted for collection in their recycling bins. Materials accepted in the Recycle BC program are consistent across the province, and these communities are now part of the 176 communities participating in the Recycle BC program.

Knowing what goes where is very important to the success of the provincial recycling program – just a few misplaced items can affect the recyclability of other materials. Overall, British Columbians are quite good at keeping contamination (materials that don’t belong in recycling bins) low, but it does take effort to get it right and so there are a variety of resources help residents stay on top of the sorting.

Material Sorting Resources

Community Specific Information

Recycle BC is unique in that it’s 100% financed by producers of packaging and paper products. Businesses that supply packaging and paper to BC residents are responsible for the collection, processing and management of these materials through the recycling process.

We look forward to working with our new collection partners!