Inclement Weather Service Update: Service has been impacted in certain Recycle BC direct service areas. Visit your direct service area here and enter your address into the address search function to see if your area has been impacted. Alternatively, you can download the Recycle BC App. Visit the Inclement Weather Service Update page for more details, and to find information on what to do to stay prepared. 

Recycling Collection Changing in Maple Ridge: Transition to Recycle BC​

Starting January 1, 2025, the residential curbside and multi-family packaging and paper recycling collection service provider in Maple Ridge will be changing from Ridge Meadows Recycling Society (RMRS) to Recycle BC, at no cost to homeowners. 

RMRS has been providing recycling pick up to Maple Ridge residents for more than 40 years. Kim Day, Executive Director of the Society is welcoming the transition, “With Recycle BC taking over collection pickup services in Maple Ridge, we look forward to focusing on the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot and our Supported Work Program, for individuals with a variety of skills & abilities.” 

Recycle BC is equally excited, “We are thrilled to serve the residents of Maple Ridge,” said Sam Baker, Vice President, Operations. “While we acknowledge that there will be some changes with this transition, we’re looking forward to supporting residents to continue to recycle their packaging and paper through curbside and multi-family collection.”  

“The City of Maple Ridge would like to thank Ridge Meadows Recycling Society for the outstanding work they have done over the last 40 years,” said Mayor Ruimy. “We support their plans to transition curbside recycling collection to Recycle BC and continue operating the Recycling Depot and Supported Work Program. We look forward to a smooth transition with Recycle BC, ensuring that residents receive reliable curbside recycling services that support our city’s environmental goals.” 

Collection Providers and Schedule 

Recycle BC has contracted Remple Disposal to collect curbside recycling collection for single-family homes and Waste Control Services for multi-family residences. While the collection frequency will remain weekly for paper, mixed containers, and glass, some households may have to adjust to a new collection day. 

Flexible plastics will be collected every two weeks on the same day as other recyclables for curbside customers, while approximately half of multi-family buildings will have a different collection day for flexible plastics. Maple Ridge will be the first community to receive curbside collection of flexible plastics through Recycle BC, expanding on RMRS’s leading efforts. 

On collection days, curbside recycling should continue to be set out between 5 a.m. and 7 a.m. 


Updated Sorting Guidelines 

Recycle BC will maintain the existing collection boxes, with the following minor changes to sorting: 

  • Red/pink box or flexible plastics cart: only flexible plastics (e.g., plastic bags, overwrap, crinkly wrappers). 
  • Blue box or container cart: plastic and metal containers, cartons, and paper cups. 
  • Yellow bag or paper cart: paper and cardboard. 
  • Grey box or glass cart: glass bottles and jars. 

Stay Informed 

Before January 1, residents will receive new recycling guides, schedules, and stickers for red and blue boxes to reflect updated sorting. Multi-family residents will also receive updated guides.  

Starting in January, collection zone details, schedules, and options for reporting missed pick-ups or requesting boxes will be available at Residents are encouraged to download the Recycle BC App for updates. For more information, including FAQs, please visit the website. 

A blue recycle bin with a recycle symbol Description automatically generated           A logo for a mountain biking company Description automatically generated