Inclement Weather Service Update: Service has been impacted in certain Recycle BC direct service areas. Visit your direct service area here and enter your address into the address search function to see if your area has been impacted. Alternatively, you can download the Recycle BC App. Visit the Inclement Weather Service Update page for more details, and to find information on what to do to stay prepared. 

Recycling Depot Visit Do’s

As we resume elements of our regular daily routines, please remember businesses, including recycling depots, may have changed their process to ensure everyone’s safety. Many depots are limiting the number of visitors allowed inside, instituting traffic flow measures and requesting people maintain appropriate social distances during interactions to ensure they are complying with provincial orders. We love that you’re supporting recycling in BC by returning materials to a depot. Under these unique circumstances, here are some additional ways you can support depots during this time:

1.  Respect depot policies

As the Province proceeds with its BC Restart Plan, many businesses, including depots, which were closed are reopening and all are required to follow guidelines set out by the provincial government, WorkSafeBC and health authorities. While new policies may result in longer wait times or limited depot occupancy, please be respectful of depot’s policies and understand they are in place to protect both customers and staff.


2.  Sort your materials

Pre-sorting your materials at home into the depot categories will help make your depot visit more efficient and limit the time you spend on-site. Pre-sort into the following categories: plastic bags and overwrap, other flexible plastic packaging, foam packaging, and glass bottles and jars, containers (plastic, metal and paper) and paper (including cardboard). But if you have curbside collection for containers, paper or glass (some communities), just put those in your recycling.


3.  Only include accepted materials

Depot operators and staff often sort out non-accepted materials that people drop off. It is more important than ever that you only include accepted material, correctly sorted, to reduce contamination and keep depot staff safe. Refresh your knowledge of accepted packaging and paper so depot staff aren’t removing non-accepted materials from the bins during the pandemic.


4.  Save up materials

Save up your material and drop off more material at the depot less often. This will make your depot trips efficient and reduce the frequency of trips needed to recycle your packaging and paper.


5.  Consider reuse

Try giving items a couple more uses before recycling – use plastic bags to return borrowed items to a friend, or to store your depot-only material before your depot trip. Glass bottles and jars can be used for storing almost anything: homemade salad dressing, pickles, savoury shortbread, felt pens, paperclips, or even a rock collection. Here are a few more reuse ideas.

The above tips can help streamline your depot experience, while keeping you and depot staff safe. Thanks for continuing to recycle, being patient, and respecting the policies depots have implemented so they can continue to be open for you.