Recycling Plastic Bags Just Got Easier

For residents of Vancouver, recycling plastic bags, overwrap, and foam packaging just got a lot easier. Starting this long weekend, recycling these materials in Vancouver will be as simple as a trip to London Drugs.

We have partnered with London Drugs to offer this convenient option for residents. Beginning August 1, the following materials will be accepted at London Drugs stores in Vancouver:

  • Plastic bags and overwrap, including grocery bags, bread bags, produce bags, outer bags for diapers etc.
  • White and coloured plastic foam packaging, including foam meat trays, foam egg cartons and foam cushion packaging for electronics etc.

In addition to London Drugs locations, City of Vancouver residents can continue to return plastic bags, overwrap and foam packaging at six other MMBC depots in the Vancouver area. You can search for your nearest depot on our website or app. Residents are also able to recycle a variety of packaging and printed paper at the curb or through recycling pick-up programs in multi-family buildings. Check out the full list of packaging and printed paper that can be recycled.

What becomes of these items after they are recycled? Plastic bags and overwrap are recycled into new grocery bags, plastic pallets, containers, crates, pipes, decking and park benches. Plastic foam packaging is recycled into picture frames, construction trim, moulding, park benches and fence posts.

Learn more and connect with us at @RecyclingInBC and RecyclingInBC on Facebook.

Read the full announcement.