
Reporting Guidance for Solvent and Flammable Liquids and Pesticide Containers under Schedule 2

Amendments to the BC Recycling Regulation announced in September 2020 included changes to Schedule 2 containers previously managed under Schedule 5 by the Recycle BC program.

The amendment changed the designation of packaging containers for certain solvents and flammable liquids and some pesticides. The container packaging covered by the change will now be reported under the Schedule 2 – Residual Product Categories rather than to Recycle BC under Schedule 5 – Packaging and Paper Product Category.

For the Solvents and Flammable Liquids category, the reporting schedule change relates to a standard flammability measure for products and affects packaging for a relatively small number of products including but not limited to: acetone, bbq lighter fluid, fondue or camping fuel, kerosene, methanol, methyl hydrate, flammable degreasers, flammable liquid adhesives, flammable lubricants, furniture stripper, mineral spirits, paint and varnish remover, paint stripper and paint thinner, turpentine and other flammable solvents.

For the Pesticide category, the changes mean that some products registered under the Pest Control Products Act (Canada) will no longer be reported to Recycle BC. These are products whose labels are required to show the domestic product class designation, and the symbol shown in Schedule III of the Pest Control Products Regulation (Canada) for the signal word “Poison”. These containers must have the following information on the label:

  • Poison symbol (skull and crossbones)
  • Pest Control Product (PCP) Registration number
  • The word “DOMESTIC”

Pesticide containers with the word “DOMESTIC” and a PCP Registration number on the label and any other symbol (corrosive, explosive, flammable) in Schedule III of the Pest Control Products Regulation (Canada), should continue to be reported to Recycle BC.

Packaging for the following is exempt from Schedule 2 – Solvents and Flammable Liquids category and should continue to be reported to Recycle BC or other programs as appropriate:

  • Products containing less than 50% water-miscible flammable liquid, as defined by the National Fire Code of Canada, 1990, as published by the National Research Council of Canada, by volume with the remainder of the product not being flammable;
  • liquids that have no fire point as tested by the ASTM D1310 Tag Open Cup Test Method;
  • wine and distilled spirit beverages;
  • cosmetic and beauty products;
  • drugs, medicines and other health products;
  • unpackaged products or products not ordinarily sold to, used or purchased by a consumer without repackaging;
  • pre-packaged products produced for use by commercial or industrial enterprises without resale to other consumers as pre-packaged goods;
  • products in the paint product category;
  • coatings formulated for industrial or automotive use; and
  • pre-packaged kerosene in containers larger than 9 litres.

As the amendment related to the affected containers was effective June 29, 2020, the materials should not be included in 2021 reports. Stewards may be eligible to claim adjustments to quantities of these materials included in 2020 steward reports which inform 2021 invoices and for the sales data period June 30 – December 31, 2018 reported in 2019 reports which informed 2020 invoices. Per the Policy for Steward Initiated Adjustment Requests all eligible stewards should complete and submit a BC Schedule 2 – Credit Request Form and a Worksheet by May 31, 2021. SKU-level documentation will be required to validate all adjustment requests.

Please contact CSSA’s National Steward Services team for assistance with any questions: 1-888-980-9549 or