Service Update: Service has been impacted in select Recycle BC areas. Visit your community or download the Recycle BC App  to stay prepared.

Take the Next Step to Fulfill your Recycling Obligations as a BC Business

Take the Next Step to Fulfill your Recycling Obligations as a BC Business

As one of the many businesses that have signed a letter of intent (LOI) to participate in MMBC’s approved stewardship program, we are very pleased that you have taken the first step to assuming full responsibility for the end-of-life management of your packaging and printed paper.

MMBC’s objective is to provide you with the necessary tools to meet all of your needs in order to deliver on your commitment to recycling and the environment.

What’s Next for Participants of BC’s Stewardship Program?

There are two critical next steps that must take place before September 20:

1.       Prepare and submit your first BC data report:  Your first report is due in September and will require that you provide MMBC with information about the amount of packaging and printed paper sold or provided to residential consumers in BC in 2012. This is referred to as your annual data report.

In order to help us fairly and accurately calculate stewardship fees for all stewards we need to understand the types and quantities of packaging and printed paper your organization has put into the BC residential waste stream.

In advance of the launch of the reporting portal, we have refreshed the Guide to Help Businesses Meet Their Recycling Obligations in British Columbia to help you prepare your first report, and act as a useful resource for future reporting.

Please click here to download a copy.  Use this guide to begin gathering the data and information you need to enter into the reporting portal.  As well, for more help sign-up for one of our Reporting Guidance Webinars (see more details below).

The reporting portal opens on September 3, but you might want to familiarize yourself with the guide in advance. All data must be completed and entered by September 20. Your fees for the 2014 year will be provided in the fall.

Introducing our New and Improved Guidebook

  • User friendly
  • Maps to a National List of Materials for stewards that report into multiple packaging and printed paper programs across Canada
  • Contains guidance for BC-based businesses that are reporting for the first time
  • Includes lots of examples from multiple industry sectors
  • Provides details on how to develop an average bill of materials (ABOM) for stewards with thousands of SKUs

Download a copy here

Register for Upcoming Reporting Guidance WebinarsIn partnership with Deloitte, MMBC is pleased to offer webinars on how to prepare your material report. Recognizing that summer vacations have begun, we are providing a number of different dates in the hopes that one will work for you.  If not, the webinar will be posted on our website to review at your convenience.

Reporting Guidance Webinars are scheduled for August, 8, 14 and 21, 2013, 10:00 am to 11:30 am PDT.

To register for a webinar, click here.

2. Membership Agreements: A new feature of this program is that you will be asked to sign a membership agreement with MMBC before submitting your first report. Your membership agreement sets out how we will work together to deliver against the program commitments in our approved stewardship program plan. The membership agreement will specify, among other things:

  • MMBC’s obligation to perform its duties as your stewardship agent and fulfill your obligations under the Recycling Regulation
  • Our joint reporting and disclosure obligations
  • How we will compute fees
  • The terms and conditions for contract termination

We will provide you with copies of the membership agreement once it is available in early August.  The person authorized to sign agreements on behalf of your company will need to sign it in order to be accepted as a member of MMBC.

Please note that you can start to enter your data once the reporting portal opens on September 3 but in order for MMBC to accept your final submission, a signed membership agreement must be uploaded to the portal.

Membership Agreement Webinar – Save the DateMore information will be available in webinars we’re hosting to walk you through the membership agreement.

Mark your calendars and save a date:

Either Wednesday, August 14 or Thursday September 5, 2013, 10:00 am to 11:30 am PDT.

To register for a Webinar on the Membership Agreement,click here.

Quick FAQsWhen will businesses be asked to report their 2012 packaging and printed paper data to MMBC?
The reporting portal will be open to MMBC stewards from September 3 to September 20.  We depend on you to complete your reports on time so that we can compute your fees and notify you in time to plan for your 2014 obligations.

When will I receive notification of my fees?
Once all businesses complete and submit their reports to MMBC, we will compute the fees.  Our intention is to provide those fees by November – in time for stewards to prepare their budgets for 2014.

When will my first payment be due? 
Your first payment will be due in January of 2014.

Why do I need to sign a membership agreement with MMBC?
The letter of intent needs to be formalized into terms that ensure both parties, your business as well as MMBC, are held accountable for your obligations.  More details about the membership agreements will be sent to you in early August.

What if I need help but I cannot attend any of the webinars?
The webinars will be posted at If you cannot find an answer to your question after reviewing the Guidebook or the posted webinars and accompanying Q&As, call us at 1-888-980-9549 or send an email to  One of our Steward Services Representatives will be pleased to help.

Working on Your BehalfMMBC’s objective is to operate a robust recycling program that meets consumer needs, while also raising awareness of the positive contribution business plays in bringing BC residents recycling at the doorstep, in multi-family households and at local depots. We are working to establish the relationships and partnerships needed to achieve the 75 per cent recycling rate required in the BC regulation, and are confident the program we will implement will provide an effective and cost-efficient system to recycle more, reduce waste, and build on BC’s reputation for environmental sustainability.

Public opinion research has shown time and again that the typical Canadian holds a strong and principled opinion of the value of recycling.  Across the nation, the willingness to recycle packaging and paper is high and householders are keenly aware of the environmental, economic and social benefits that recycling creates.

We know that as businesses operating in BC, whether you are diversified global companies or local independent retailers and manufacturers, you are very conscious about your impact on the environment. By signing an LOI with MMBC you have signaled your intention to manage your packaging and printed paper in an environmentally responsible way.