Service Update: Service has been impacted in select Recycle BC areas. Visit your community or download the Recycle BC App  to stay prepared.

The Facts About MMBC

With the May 19th launch of the MMBC program close approaching, there has been some recent media coverage that hasn’t provided the full picture in terms of how the new recycling system will work. To help clear up any misunderstanding that may surround the new industry-funded program, we’ve provided some further context and clarification to some of the statements that have recently appeared in some media outlets.

There will be a “hidden tax” or increased cost for products.

There are no plans for new taxes or fees  for consumers. The MMBC program shifts recycling costs from the consumer (through property taxes) to industry, making companies responsible for the waste they produce. While it is up to each individual business to determine how to manage the costs of participating in this new program, these new costs will represent just a fraction of one cent per item in most cases.

MMBC is run by big business based in Toronto.

MMBC is a BC-based organization with local staff and BC-based collectors. It is a member of the Canadian Stewardship Services Alliance, a national program that has successfully launched similar programs in other provinces.

MMBC will unfairly burden small businesses.

Only approximately 2,000 – 3,000 businesses will join MMBC, which represents only a fraction of more than 385,000 businesses in the province. Moreover, the BC government has excluded small businesses entirely from the program – those with less than $1,000,000 in revenue or less than 1 tonne of packaging and printed paper produced. For those businesses with low volumes of packaging and printed paper supplied to residents, there will be flat fees. More information can be found here.

Many municipalities have refused to sign on to MMBC.

MMBC has had an excellent response from local governments. MMBC will providing recycling collection services to 1.25 million BC households in 88 communities as of May 19th, 2014.

BC already has a world-class recycling program – why change it?

MMBC will work in partnership with long-standing BC recycling organizations to increase recycling efforts in the province and provide even better services to BC residents. The program will enable British Columbians to recycle more materials. MMBC is aiming to recycle at least 75% of packaging and printed paper supplied to residents, compared to the current rate of 53%.

If you have any questions about MMBC’s program, we’d be happy to hear from you. You can reach us on 1-888-980-9549 or email us at: