Waste Reduction Week: A Few Steps That Make a Real Difference

Sorting and setting out packaging and printed paper recycling are actions that thousands of British Columbians take every day, with real results. In the seven months that the Multi-Material BC (MMBC) program operated in 2014, BC residents recycled over 96,900 tonnes of packaging and printed paper. That’s over 425 tonnes a day! Every aerosol can, box, flyer, and coffee cup that goes into the recycling bin really adds up. Each time you add packaging or printed paper to your recycling bin, you help conserve resources by giving these materials a second life.

Little things, like emptying and rinsing containers (a quick swish before draining dishwater should do the trick) before setting them out for recycling helps improve the quality of recyclables. Leftover food in containers can spoil their recyclability (and that of other containers if the food residue spills out).

Sorting is another step that helps us recycle more. Keeping garbage and organics, as well as materials that need to go to a depot out of curbside or multi-family collection keeps the recycling stream “clean”. Read more about sorting here and here.

So, as we celebrate Waste Reduction Week keep adding your packaging and printed paper to your recycling, and know that each time you do, you are making a difference and helping us all recycle more.