Multi-Material British Columbia (MMBC) has posted its Draft Packaging and Printed Paper (PPP) Stewardship Plan and information documents describing how it will collect and recycle PPP in British Columbia (BC) according to the requirements set out in the Recycling Regulation.
We are seeking feedback on the draft plan and invite interested parties – producers and stakeholders – to submit comments by November 9. Comments received by that date will be considered when finalizing the PPP Stewardship Plan for submission to the Ministry of Environment (MOE) on November 19, 2012.
Comments received after November 9 but before December 14 that result in modifications to PPP Stewardship Plan, will lead to the submission of an updated plan to the MOE in January 2013.
Choose Your Comments Tool
Several avenues are available for submitting comments, including options that are conveniently accessible on the MMBC website:
- MMBC Plan Feedback Form: Use this form to send in a question or comment, provide a more detailed submission and/or upload documents.
- MMBC Plan Survey Form: Provide feedback on the delivery of PPP services by completing a survey.
- Email or write to us:
Allen Langdon
Chair, Multi-Material British Columbia
209 – 1730 West 2nd Avenue
Vancouver, BC V6J 1H6
If you are a producer (brand owner or first seller that introduces packaging or printed paper into the BC residential marketplace) and you have questions about your obligation, please
Consultation Workshop and Webcast Held October 29
MMBC held a consultation workshop and webcast for producers and stakeholders on October 29. If you were unable to participate and would like to listen to the proceedings while reviewing the slides, the webcast has been archived.
- Archived webcast proceedings (you will be asked to register to access the archived webcast)
- Slides (no audio) – 1 slide per page and 6 slides per page