Inclement Weather Service Update: Service has been impacted in certain Recycle BC direct service areas. Visit your direct service area here and enter your address into the address search function to see if your area has been impacted. Alternatively, you can download the Recycle BC App. Visit the Inclement Weather Service Update page for more details, and to find information on what to do to stay prepared. 

From principle to practice – collecting more PPP

At its simplest, translating the program delivery principles (described in the previous blog) into practice largely means assuming responsibility for the existing provincial PPP collection system through an inclusive approach for engaging PPP collectors.

Consider the collection of PPP in BC today:

  • Local governments and First Nations governments deliver PPP collection services supported by public education and first point of contact for collection service customers;
  • Local governments and First Nations governments utilize not-for-profit organizations or private sector companies to provide collection services supported by local government or First Nations government delivery of public education and first point of contact for collection service customers;
  • Private sector companies deliver household collection services through subscription; and
  • Private depots and not-for-profit depots receive PPP delivered by residents.

To avoid disruption to these existing collectors and the residents they service, MMBC has proposed an inclusive approach to engaging PPP collectors in the Draft PPP Stewardship Plan.

This inclusive approach provides an opportunity for local governments, private companies and not-for-profit organizations that collect PPP today to continue to do so in the future with MMBC providing a schedule of financial incentives. Local governments can continue to provide recycling services to their residents, including local communications, or can opt out, with MMBC then implementing collection services. Private companies and not-for-profit organizations can continue to provide collection services to local governments under existing collection contracts and can provide multi-family and depot collection services directly to residents.

If MMBC had chosen to take an exclusive approach to PPP collection, existing collection activities could be replaced by an MMBC collection system.

For example, MMBC could divide the province into a few geographic zones and tender for PPP collection services for single-family, multi-family and streetscape collection in each of those zones. Winners would be awarded a collection contract for a set period of time. Unsuccessful bidders would be effectively excluded from collecting residential PPP.

Under this example, existing collection relationships and practices would be displaced by an entirely new collection system – a more consolidated system involving fewer collectors. MMBC would assume responsibility for local communications, to promote the program and educate residents, and for dealing directly with residential collection service customers across British Columbia.

By choosing an inclusive approach to engage collectors of PPP, MMBC is supporting a diverse PPP collection system that offers the most promise for increasing PPP collection across British Columbia and a smooth transition to producer responsibility.