Service Update: Service has been impacted in select Recycle BC areas. Visit your community or download the Recycle BC App  to stay prepared.

BC Businesses Must Take Action Now to Comply with BC’s Recycling Regulation!

BC Businesses Must Take Action Now to Comply with BC’s Recycling Regulation

Important Reminder

Your business received previous notice(s) advising that the BC Recycling Regulation required businesses that supply packaged goods or printed-paper in BC were required to file their own stewardship plans for these materials or join an organization that had developed a stewardship plan on behalf of a collective. Two plans were submitted by the deadline of November 19, 2012.  MMBC submitted its plan on behalf of the consumer packaged goods and printed media industries and the National Brewers of Canada submitted a plan on behalf of the beer industry. Companies which sell these materials in BC that failed to join a plan or file their own plan are now out of compliance with BC regulations.

Don’t put your ability to conduct business in British Columbia at risk.

If your company is resident in BC and supplies packaged goods and printed paper to BC residents you are not in compliance with the province’s Recycling Regulation if you have not sent a Letter of Intent to Multi-Material British Columbia (MMBC) indicating that you intend to join its stewardship plan. BC’s Ministry of Environment plans to communicate with you shortly advising you of penalties that include fines of up to $200,000 and/or prohibition from selling, offering for sale, distributing or using the product in a commercial enterprise in British Columbia.

To avoid fines and penalties, sign a Letter of Intent to join MMBC before March 31, 2013 and forward it

If your business is not resident in BC, but you supply printed paper or packaged goods to BC residents, you can elect to be a voluntary producer by completing and sending a Letter of Intent to MMBC. Should you choose not to take this action your BC-resident retail customers will be required to assume the administrative and financial stewardship burden for your products. Expect them to contact you to further discuss the matter.

Over 300 businesses have signed up with MMBC — demonstrating to the BC government, retail customers and consumers that they are responsible for keeping their printed paper and packaging out of BC landfills.

Information Session

Learn more about the BC Recycling Regulation and how it impacts your business at information sessions scheduled for March 5 and 7, 2013.

Invitation | Register

For More Information

For more information about MMBC and to review a copy of the Packaging and Printed Paper Stewardship Plan go or call 1-888-980-9549.