
Celebrating National Indigenous Peoples Day 2022

We are honoured to celebrate and collaborate with First Nations communities throughout the year.

In British Columbia, various recycling programs are responsible for the collection and management of materials ranging from residential packaging and paper collected by Recycle BC to non-rechargeable batteries, to tires. Nine of these programs, including Recycle BC, came together in 2018 to form the First Nations Recycling Initiative.

  • Recycle BC
  • Major Appliances Recycling Roundtable (MARR)
  • Tire Stewardship BC
  • ElectroRecycle
  • Electronic Products Recycling Association (EPRA)
  • Outdoor Equipment Institute of Canada (OPEI)
  • Health Products Stewardship Association
  • Return-It
  • Call2Recycle

The First Nations Recycling Initiative offers communities resources for large, coordinated cleanup efforts. Since 2019, Tim Jones has been a part of the Recycle BC team, travelling to First Nations communities throughout BC and collaborating with them directly either to provide information about the existing recycling programs in BC or support local collection events in the community which divert materials from landfills. Tim captures photos of his travels and has shared a few below. Find more information about the First Nations Recycling Initiative on our website at

K’ómoks First Nation Osoyoos Indian Band Lower Similkameen Indian Band
Soowahlie Collection Event Soowahlie Collection Event Tla’amin Collection Event (2021)
Seton lake Collection Event (2021) Welcoming Figure Soowahlie Collection Event

The month of June is National Indigenous History Month and June 21 is National Indigenous Peoples Day, both opportunities to recognize and celebrate the rich heritage of First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples across the country.