
Important Recycling Changes for Maple Ridge Residents

Image with text - Starting January 1 2025 Recycle BC is assuming responsibility for Maple Ridge's recycling services

Starting January 1, 2025, Recycle BC is assuming responsibility for Maple Ridge’s residential curbside and multi-family recycling services.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Operator Change: As of January 1, 2025, Recycle BC will be responsible for your curbside and multi-family recycling collection. Ridge Meadows Recycling Society will continue to operate the Maple Ridge Recycling Depot. Commercial recycling is unaffected, and there are no changes to garbage and organics collection.
  2. All Recycling Material Accepted: You can continue recycling all the same items as before.
  3. Sorting Changes: Residents will need to sort recycling materials slightly different:
    • Flexible plastics (wrappers, plastic bags, etc.) go in the red/pink box or flexible plastics recycling cart.
    • Hard plastic and metal containers, cartons, and paper cups go in the blue box or mixed container recycling cart.
    • Paper, including cardboard and boxboard, goes in the yellow bag or mixed paper recycling cart.
    • Glass bottles and jars go in the grey box or glass cart. Closer to the transition time, Recycle BC will provide you with stickers to place on your red/pink and blue boxes to help with the changes.
  4. Collection Details: Mixed paper, mixed containers, and glass will still be collected weekly, but your collection day might change. Flexible plastics will be collected every two weeks on the same day as your other recycling materials.

More information coming this fall.

We’re working together to make this transition easy for everyone.

General FAQs

Was Maple Ridge already part of the Recycle BC program? 

The City of Maple Ridge joined the Recycle BC program in May 2014, and, like many communities in the province, was receiving a financial incentive from Recycle BC to manage residential recycling collection. The City of Maple Ridge did this by providing funding to Ridge Meadows Recycling Society to collect the recycling, and Municipal staff oversaw and managed the contract. Residential recycling is funded by Recycle BC stewards that supply packaging and paper into the BC market, shifting costs away from taxpayers. 

What about garbage and green waste? Are there any changes and is Recycle BC also responsible for these services? Will my collection days align? 

Recycle BC is not responsible for garbage and green waste collection. There is no change to your garbage and green waste service. The service providers for garbage and green waste may or may not choose to align these services with recycling collection days.  

Who will actually be picking up my recycling? 

Recycle BC awarded its curbside collection contract in Maple Ridge to Remple Disposal for residential curbside recycling collection and Waste Control Services for multi-family buildings.   

Will I use the same boxes and bags as I do now?  

Yes, you will continue to use the same boxes and bags as you have now, you’ll just sort the items slightly differently. 

Curbside FAQs

Are there changes to my recycling collection schedule? 

Collection frequency will continue on a weekly basis for mixed paper, mixed container, and glass recycling, but your pickup day may change. Flexible plastics will be collected biweekly on the same day as your other recycling materials. Closer to the transition, you’ll be encouraged to download the Recycle BC app for your collection schedule and sign up to receive collection day reminders. 

Multi-family FAQs

How will this change affect my multi-family building on January 1, 2025?  

  • Recycling collection for mixed paper, mixed containers, and glass will be weekly.  
  • Flexible plastics (e.g., crinkly wrappers, bags, zipper-lock pouches) will be added to collection as a separate stream and collected biweekly on a different day from other materials.  

Are there changes to my recycling collection schedule? 

Collection days and collection frequency may change for some multi-family buildings. If your building pulls their own carts to the service location on collection day, this must be done according to the new schedule. Please note that flexible plastics collection will be done on a different day from other materials, your flexible plastics cart(s) also need to be taken to the regular collection point on the correct service day.  

Will my recycling be picked up at the same time of day? 

Recycling set-out guidelines will remain the same. If you are a property/building manager, please continue with the same arrangements for having all recycling carts taken to the regular collection point. 

Does the change in recycling collection impact my garbage or green bin/organics collection? 

No. These changes do not impact your garbage and green bin/organics collection service.