MMBC has Posted the Collection Financial Incentives Response Form and Sample Collector Contract

This information is of importance to BC local governments, private companies and not-for-profit organizations that collect packaging and printed paper

On June 7, Multi-Material British Columbia (MMBC) held a meeting and webcast to present information on the collection financial incentives to provide residential packaging and printed paper (PPP) collection services under the PPP Stewardship Plan.

Prior to the meeting, a number of documents that explain details of the collection financial incentives were posted. For convenience, links to the pre-meeting documents are provided at the bottom of this email.

During the June 7 meeting, we indicated that a series of documents would be posted following the meeting. These documents are now posted:

Documents Posted Prior to June 7 Meeting

Below are links to documents that were posted on the MMBC website before the June 7 meeting.

Archive to the June 7 Meeting Webcast Now Available

The archive of the June 7 meeting/webcast is now available for viewing.

When visitors log in, they will be asked to register (sign in) before accessing the webcast. Note that the webcast is now indexed and allows viewers to visit the portions of the presentation that are of interest. When you enter the webcast archive, click on the dropdown immediately below the slide window to navigate through the presentation by topic area based on the meeting agenda.