Progress Reporting: When and What

Two closely-related questions that Multi-Material BC (MMBC) receives are “Where does my recycling go?” and “When does MMBC have to report on its program?”

The Recycling Regulation, which is the reason why MMBC exists, specifies that a stewardship program, such as MMBC, must issue a public report annually (by July 1) that describes the previous year’s operations. MMBC’s report will answer both of those questions, and will contain information about:

  • Education materials and strategies we used to promote the program
  • The locations of our collection facilities
  • What we have done to help our stewards reduce environmental impacts and increase the reusability or recyclability of their packaging
  • How much packaging and printed paper was supplied to BC residents, and how much we collected in the province and in each regional district
  • How the packaging and printed paper we collected was managed according to the pollution prevention hierarchy in the Recycling Regulation
  • How the program’s performance compared to targets set out in the regulation and in our approved stewardship plan

We will report on the same metrics each year, so as our program evolves, readers can compare the program’s year-over-year performance. Since we started operating in 2014, our first report will be published and available on our website by July 1, 2015.

Before that, in January 2015, we will provide a summary of collection services as of December 2014, including:

  • Local governments that accepted the financial incentive to provide curbside collection, and the number of households being served
  • Local governments that declined the financial incentive to provide curbside collection, and the number of households to which MMBC is directly providing curbside collection service
  • The number of multi-family households being provided with collection services by MMBC collectors
  • The number of depots accepting MMBC materials

We have already shared information about the communities receiving service, a list of the depots accepting MMBC materials, and a list of the communities directly receiving curbside collection service, but this report will have the information in one handy place.