Recycle BC 2020 Annual Report

In March, 2020, Recycle BC, along with its supply chain partners, quickly adapted to the new COVID-19 health and safety protocols to provide on-going delivery of recycling services to BC residents. Spending more time at home in 2020, residents placed a greater volume of material in recycling bins, bags and depots resulting in a significant increase in the tonnes of material collected and an increased recovery rate from the previous year. 2020 marks the first year Recycle BC is providing an accounting of the greenhouse gas (GHG) inventory from its operations in the annual report along with the comparison to the 2019 baseline data.

2020 Highlights:

  • Over 203,000 tonnes collected in Recycle BC’s packaging and paper product program, resulting in a recovery rate of just over 85%.
  • Over 1.86 million BC households in 176 communities had access to Recycle BC services.
  • 99% of BC households had access to recycling services.
  • Recycle BC onboarded one additional community for curbside and multi-family service and 11 depots were added to its network.
  • Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions associated with the province-wide recycling activities totaled 53,304 tonnes of CO2.