Two Ways MMBC is Working to Reduce Packaging and Increase What Can be Recycled

Multi-Material BC (MMBC) wants all packaging and printed paper supplied to BC residents to be collected and recycled. This is a long-term, aspirational goal, but there are steps that we are taking now to move towards it.

  1. One way we do this is through the fees that stewards—the companies that produce or supply packaging and printed paper to BC residents—pay. MMBC fees are set to encourage reduction, redesign, and recyclability of packaging. This approach rewards stewards that reduce the amount of packaging they use and that choose recyclable packaging.
  2. Another way that we can move towards our goal is to use some of the fees paid by stewards to engage in research and development. We want to understand and resolve technical barriers so that packaging that is currently not recyclable can be included on the list of accepted materials over time. We also want to understand how and if we need to support new markets for some materials, as we only want to collect a material if we are confident that it can be recycled.

Part of this research and development might include:

  • Looking at how we can work with stewards to modify the design of unrecyclable packaging;
  • Working with material re-manufacturers to modify the specifications of the materials they accept, so that they can begin to incorporate the types of packaging that is currently not recyclable; and
  • Working with material re-manufacturers to develop new uses for materials that are currently unrecyclable.

We’ll report on our progress towards creating a system in which all packaging and printed paper is accepted in our annual reports.