Canada Post Disruption May Delay Recycling Guide Deliveries

The Canada Post disruption may delay the delivery of recycling guides. You can access all recycling guide content here or download the Recycle BC app for your collection schedule, to find out what recyclable materials goes where and to receive notifications about your recycling pick-up and services. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

Important Recycling Changes for Maple Ridge Residents – January 1, 2025

Image with text - Starting January 1 2025 Recycle BC is assuming responsibility for Maple Ridge's recycling services


What is changing?  

Starting January 1, 2025, Recycle BC is assuming responsibility for Maple Ridge’s residential curbside and multi-family recycling services.   

Why is Ridge Meadows Recycling Society no longer responsible for curbside / multi-family recycling collection services in Maple Ridge?  

The City of Maple Ridge’s contract with Recycle BC is set to expire at the end of 2024, prompting a review of how recycling services are provided. After careful consideration of various factors, the decision was made to transition responsibility to Recycle BC for curbside and multi-family recycling collection services, representing the next step in the evolution of recycling for Maple Ridge.  

Will RMRS still operate the Recycling Depot?  

Yes. Maple Ridge is focused on a redesign and expansion of the Recycling Depot and will continue to accept recycling materials included in the Recycle BC program.   

Who is Recycle BC? 

Recycle BC is a not-for-profit organization responsible for residential packaging and paper product recycling throughout British Columbia, servicing over two million households or over 99% of BC through curbside, multi-family and/or depot services. Recycle BC ensures packaging and paper products are collected from residential households and recycling depots, to be sorted and are responsibly managed and recycled.  

Recycle BC provides recycling services either directly to communities or by working in partnership with local governments, First Nations, private companies, and other not-for-profit organizations. The Recycle BC program is funded by businesses like retailers, manufacturers, and restaurants that supply packaging and paper products to BC residents, shifting recycling costs away from homeowners. 

Who will actually be picking up my recycling? 

Recycle BC awarded its curbside collection contract in Maple Ridge to Remple Disposal for residential curbside recycling collection and Waste Control Services for multi-family buildings.  

Are the same materials accepted? 

While all existing recycling material is included, households will have to sort material slightly different:  

  • Flexible plastics (wrappers, plastic bags, etc.) go in the red/pink box or flexible plastics recycling cart.   
  • Hard plastic and metal containers, cartons, and paper cups go in the blue box or mixed container recycling cart.   
  • Paper, including cardboard and boxboard, goes in the yellow bag or mixed paper recycling cart.   
  • Glass bottles and jars go in the grey box or glass cart.  

Closer to the transition time, Recycle BC will provide you with stickers to place on your red/pink and blue boxes to help with the changes. 

For help sorting visit or download the Recycle BC app.  

Will I use the same boxes and bags as I do now?  

Yes, you will continue to use the same boxes and bags as you have now, you’ll just sort the items slightly differently.  

Who can I contact about my recycling service? 

Starting January 1, 2025 changes to both Multi-Family and Curbside recycling will come into effect.

Multi-Family recycling is collected by Waste Control Services (WCS).
If you have questions about your recycling collection or need additional information, please contact WCS at, or 778-503-1341.

Curbside recycling is collected by Remple Disposal.
If you have questions about your recycling collection or need additional information, please contact Remple Disposal at, or 778-503-1340.

Will I still pay for recycling service? 

Residential recycling collection service comes at no cost to residents. The Recycle BC program is funded by the businesses that supply packaging and paper to BC residents, shifting recycling costs away from taxpayers. 

Was Maple Ridge already part of the Recycle BC program? 

The City of Maple Ridge joined the Recycle BC program in May 2014, and, like many communities in the province, was receiving a financial incentive from Recycle BC to manage residential recycling collection. The City of Maple Ridge did this by providing funding to Ridge Meadows Recycling Society to collect the recycling, and Municipal staff oversaw and managed the contract. Residential recycling is funded by Recycle BC stewards that supply packaging and paper into the BC market, shifting costs away from taxpayers. 

Does Recycle BC provide recycling services to any other communities? 

Recycle BC already directly provides recycling collection in many areas of the province including the Cities of Vancouver, North Vancouver, Pitt Meadows, Langley, Coquitlam, Revelstoke, Prince George, Quesnel, the Village of Anmore, West Vancouver, the University Endowment Lands, and Regional Districts of North Okanagan, Central Kootenay, and Kootenay Boundary.