Service Update: Service has been impacted in select Recycle BC areas. Visit your community or download the Recycle BC App  to stay prepared.


Some stakeholders are asking for clarification on what constitutes non-PPP.

As defined in each of the Statements of Work that MMBC has posted on this website, non-PPP is “anything that is not PPP”.  PPP is defined in item # 2 of Schedule 4.2 MMBC Policies and Standards in the Master Service Agreement.

MMBC set a threshold of 3% of non-PPP in collected PPP on the basis of:

  • Available PPP curbside composition audit data where the audits identified PPP targeted for collection, PPP not targeted for collection (most of which will be targeted under the MMBC program) and non-PPP;
  • Available MRF residue composition audit data where the audits identified PPP targeted for collection, PPP not targeted for collection (most of which will be targeted under the MMBC program) and non-PPP; and
  • An assessment of the types of PPP not targeted for collection as a proportion of total PPP available for collection.

Non-PPP represents a portion of MRF residue.  In addition to non-PPP sorted from PPP in order to meet recycling market quality specifications, MRF residue also includes PPP that was not captured during processing.

To provide clarity, MMBC has developed the following definition of Non-PPP:

Non-PPP includes:

  • Consumer products manufactured of
    • Paper, some examples of which are paper towelling, paper napkins
    • Metal, some examples of which are hardware, small appliances
    • Plastic, some examples of which are toys, dishware, hoses, plastic cutlery, straws, toner cartridges, single use cameras, CD/DVD cases
    • Glass, some examples of which are dishware, vases, decorative items, mirrors, plate glass
    • Wood, ceramic, crystal, rubber and leather
  • Packaging containing hazardous or special waste
  • Hardcover and paperback books
  • Waxed corrugated cardboard packaging
  • Steel gas cylinders
  • PETE, PVC, LDPE Stretch and PP Films
  • PET-G packaging
  • HDPE pails of 25 litres or more
  • LDPE cushion packaging
  • PS foam peanuts
  • PLA and PHA packaging
  • Multi-laminated plastic packaging
  • Composite packaging
  • Wood, ceramic, crystal, rubber and leather packaging.

For clarity, the following items are not included in ‘Non-PPP’:

  • PPP set out in Item # 2 in the Master Services Agreement Schedule 4.2 MMBC Policies and Standards;
  • Schedule 1 beverage containers placed by residents into the PPP collection system; and
  • Steel paint cans placed by residents into the PPP collection system.